Do you want to learn something new? Try one of our cooking classes and learn how to make pastry, or create a Mediterranean dish, and more!

Have you ever wanted to be a dentist’s second pair of hands during procedures? Or, perhaps you picture yourself as an administrative assistant in a doctor’s office? Our medical programs can prepare you for both scenarios and more!

Enhance your skills through educational opportunities and show your skills by seeking certification. Be the first to lead the way to enhancing your resume through continuing education.

Take a step in the direction of manufacturing with one of our many classes that include: Industrial Maintenance; Modular Industrial Maintenance, Electrical, Fluid Power, or Mechanical; Precision Machining; Welding Technologies, or Modular Welding.

Mastering computer skills is a great way to stand out in today’s job market. From business website marketing to Quickbooks, our computer programs cover a wide range of topics that will help you excel.

In our American Sign Language (ASL) programs, we give you the tools to build your vocabulary, finger spelling, grammar, and facial expressions skills. Students will also develop a sensitivity and awareness of the deaf community.
Help Us Create
New Programs
Each quarter we will offer a list of possible classes to get an idea of the popularity in the community. Your feedback is greatly appreciated in our search to greater serve the needs and wants of the area. If you have an idea for a class that we have not listed, we also have a Program Idea page to accept all suggestions.
Thank you for your time!

This program gives businesses the chance to upskill current and future employees. Businesses who submit successful applications will be reimbursed up to $2000 per credential.
For information call the Adult Education Office at (330)296-2892 Ext. 551011 or click the Ohio Tech Cred link right.

Maplewood Career Center is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE). Located at 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA, 30350.

The Adult Education Programs assist individuals as well as a company’s workforce in an effort to develop a new generation of leaders! All of the occupational programs promote leadership, develop new skills, upgrade current skills, keep abreast of technology, and develop competencies in areas of need along with personal interest.
The Adult Education Programs assist individuals as well as a company’s workforce in an effort to develop a new generation of leaders! All of the occupational programs promote leadership, develop new skills, upgrade current skills, keep abreast of technology, and develop competencies in areas of need along with personal interest.

The programs offered at the Maplewood Career Center were hand-selected due to the urgent need for skilled labor professionals in the workforce. Offering everything from Industrial Maintenance and Welding Technologies to Medical Billing and Coding and Dental Assisting, just to name a few, Maplewood can help you change or enhance your career or learn a new skill.
The programs offered at the Maplewood Career Center were hand-selected due to the urgent need for skilled labor professionals in the workforce. Offering everything from Industrial Maintenance and Welding Technologies to Medical Billing and Coding and Dental Assisting, just to name a few, Maplewood can help you change or enhance your career or learn a new skill.

Maplewood Career Center also offers lifestyle and entertainment programs. Learn a new hobby or enrich your life with a new skill.
Maplewood Career Center also offers lifestyle and entertainment programs. Learn a new hobby or enrich your life with a new skill.
Success story
What can Maplewood Career Center do for you?
"Maplewood Career Center helped me graduate in 1977 and succeed in the career field of mechanics. I have since returned to the career center to teach Power Equipment Mechanics and help students achieve the same success."