Student Name: NevaehSubmission Date: 2024-09-10 00:00:00

ID: 156

Visual Score:


Auditory Score:


Kinesthetic Score:


What is your favorite activity or subject in school?English
What is your least favorite subject in school?Math
What are your "best" subjects?English
What subjects are difficult for you?math, science
What are your favorite games or sports?Softball and Basket ball
If you could learn about anything you wanted to, what would you choose to learn about? Be specific. (For example: science-fiction writing, meteorology, architecture, Shakespeare, Africa.)I would choose to learn more about the universe and the world.
What are three things you like to do when you have free time (besides seeing friends)?read, bike rides, hikes
What clubs, groups, teams, or organizations do you belong to? Include both school activities and those not Sponsored by the school.
Have you ever taught yourself to do something without the help of another person? If so, what?I taught myself how to drive stick shift
If you were going to start a book club, what kinds of books would your club read?Dystopian and mystery books
If people were to come to you for information about something you know a lot about, what would the topic be?respect
If you could plan a field trip for learning, where would you go?We would go to the aquarium
When you’re using the computer, are you usually playing games, doing homework, doing research, visiting Web sites, visiting chat rooms, shopping, exchanging email, programming, or some other activity?doing homework, i hate computers
If you could interview an expert on any subject, what subject would you like to talk to someone about?no idea thats a really good question
What careers are you currently interested in?Special needs teacher, speech therapist, social work
What helps you learn? (For example, a hands-on activity, reading, taking notes, or reading out loud.)Taking notes and hands on activity\'s
What makes learning more difficult for you? (For example, lectures, lots of writing.)Lectures and computer work
Think of a great teacher you’ve had. Describe what made this teacher so terrific.My Math teacher I had this year and last, the way he teaches made me start to understand and like math and he cares for all of his students
What else would you like me to know about you as a learner?nothing
In school, I prefer to work:In a Small Group
In school, I learn best:Alone
Social Studies2
World Languages1
Politics / Law2
I enjoy doodling and even my notes have lots of pictures and arrows in them.3
I remember something better if I write it down.3
I get lost or am late if someone tells me how to get to a new place, and I don't write down the directions.3
When trying to remember someone's telephone number, or something new like that, it helps me to get a picture of it in my mind.2
If I am taking a test, I can "see" the textbook page and where the answer is located.2
It helps me to look at the person while listening; it keeps me focused.3
Using flashcards helps me to retain material for tests.3
It is hard for me to understand what a person is saying when there are people talking or music playing.1
It is hard for me to understand a joke when someone tells me.1
It is better for me to get work done in a quiet place.1
My written work doesn’t look neat to me. My papers have crossed-out words and erasures.3
It helps to use my finger as a pointer when reading to keep my place.3
Papers with very small print, blotchy dittos or poor copies are tough on me.3
I understand how to do something if someone tells me, rather than having to read the same thing to myself.2
I remember things that I hear, rather than things that I see or read.1
Writing is tiring. I press down too hard with my pen or pencil.1
My eyes get tired fast, even though the eye doctor says that my eyes are ok.2
When I read, I mix up words that look alike, such as "them" and "then, "bad" and "dad."2
It's hard for me to read other people's handwriting.1
If I had the choice to learn new information through a lecture or textbook, I would choose to hear it rather than read it.1
I don’t like to read directions; I would rather just start doing.1
I learn best when I am shown how to do something, and I have the opportunity to do it.2
Studying at a desk is not for me.3
I tend to solve problems through a more trial-and-error approach, rather than from a step-by-step method.3
Before I follow directions, it helps me to see someone else do it first.2
I find myself needing frequent breaks while studying.3
I am not skilled in giving verbal explanations or directions.3
I do not become easily lost, even in strange surroundings.1
I think better when I have the freedom to move around.3
When I can't think of a specific word, I will use my hands a lot and call something a "what-cha-ma-call-it" or a "thing-a-ma-jig."3
Visual Score22
Auditory Score19
Kinesthetic Score24
Current TeachersBrian McCombs, Katherine Stuver, Linda Hunter, Lisa Clark, Stephanie Wilfong