2022-12-19 Winter Break – School Closed Winter Break – School Closed December 19 - December 30 Winter Break – School Closed Winter Break - School Closed
2023-01-16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School Closed January 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day – School Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day - School Closed
2023-01-20 End of Second 9 Week Grading Period End of Second 9 Week Grading Period January 20 End of Second 9 Week Grading Period End of Second 9 Week Grading Period
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Parent/Teacher Conferences (PM) School Open/No Adult Education February 01 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Parent/Teacher Conferences (PM) School Open/No Adult Education Parent/Teacher Conferences (PM)