
Do you want to learn something new?   Try one of our cooking classes and learn how to make pastry, create a Mediterranean dish, and more!

baking with flour
1 DAY - 1 WEEK
$55 - $200

  • $225.00

    Servsafe TRAINING

    The Level Two certification in Food Protection, which has been the certification program since 1973, is a more extensive training for the food manager and meets the requirements for demonstration of knowledge in rule 3717-1-02.4 (B) of the Administrative Code (ODH).  This program will help you renew your Servsafe Training in management so you can continue employment in the field. This is also an Adult Diploma Program - ask for details. Program Admission Requirements: HS Diploma or GED, Drivers License or Photo ID Class start dates subject to change due to enrollment.  

    #4060  |  Meets 3 Days/M-TH (5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.) Class Dates:  3/10/25; 4/14/25; 5/12/25; 6/16/25; 8/18/25; 10/6/25; 11/3/25; 1/26/26 or 2/9/26  ServSafe Management Certification and

    Certificate of Completion

    *Upon completion of the course, students are eligible to take the examination for ServSafe II, Management which holds two certifications - ODH ServSafe Food Handler Certification and ServSafe Completion Certificate. **Cost of program includes textbook and examination fee.

    16 Clock Hours/1 Instructional Week

    Enroll Now